In memory of Mary Lodge Members of the Hft Ironbridge Family Forum recently learned that Mary Lodge had passed away. Everyone who knew Mary is saddened by her passing, at the age of eighty eight. Mary was a committed advocate for people with Special Educational Needs and their families. Moreover, she was one of the parents most deeply involved with the establishment of the original Ironbridge Care Village (now Hft). Her son, Christopher, who still lives there, was a source of great pride to Mary, especially his artwork. I knew Mary through the Family Forum, over the last fourteen years. As Chair for the past five years, I was always pleased to see her in attendance, because I knew I could rely on her to speak out, and say something useful and interesting. She missed very few meetings, and if she did, it was due to a commitment involving Christopher. Mary was always prepared to take up the cudgels on behalf of other families, or their special needs son or daughter. She was a vocal and very supportive lady, who was happy to provide help and support to those who found themselves having to take on bureaucracies such as the DWP, a local authority funder, or even Hft and its predecessor organisations. If Mary decided something needed putting right, you could rely, not just on her support, but on her doggedness and determination to fix matters. Equally, she was always ready and willing to praise those whose conduct warranted praise. It was always a pleasure to chair the Family Forum when Mary was in attendance. We will all miss her, and we send our condolences to her husband David, son Christopher, daughter Julia, and the rest of her family and their many friends Michael Frater Chair of Hft Ironbridge Family Forum, on behalf of all Members